We Learn Together: List of Phrasal Verbs Beginning with the Letter ‘B’

List of phrasal verbs beginning with the letter ‘B’

As in any language, it is necessary to memorize words in order to speak English. It is especially important to know phrasal verbs in the English language. In the scope of the subject’ List of phrasal verbs beginning with the letter ‘B’,’ we can say that: Phrasal verbs are a meaningful word group that comes up with one or sometimes two of the prepositions next to a verb. The meaning of these word groups are usually related to the word used. They give you more detailed information and provide a clearer understanding of what is being said.

The thing to remember is that some phrasal verbs have more than one meaning. In such cases, you must infer the meaning of the phrasal verbs from the context in which it is used. There can be many phrasal verbs associated with a word. While examining the phrasal verbs starting with the letter ‘B’ in this content, you will see that there are many phrasal verbs starting with the letter ‘B’.

List of Phrasal Verbs Beginning with the Letter ‘B’

Below you can see the list of phrasal verbs beginning with the letter ‘B’:

Break Away

It means to escape from someone’s control. We can give following examples about break away:

  • Their bird broke away
  • We break away from neighbor’s dog.
  • Young people break away from traditional rules.

Break Into

This phrasal verb means:Enter or open a place;getting someone to work; interrupt a conversation. You can check following examples about break into:

  • Last month my father broke into that company as an engineer.
  • Phil broke into the conference about crypto money.
  • The thief broke into the neighbor’s car.

Back Up

This phrasal verb means:Provide support for something; or someone or make a spare copy of data. Depending on the subject’ list of phrasal verbs beginning with the letter ‘B’,’ below you can see examples about back up:

  • James has to back up his disc.
  • Three doctors backed up by five nurses.

Break Down

It means (about vechicles or machines) to stop working; start cry; or separate something into parts. Please check following examples:

  • The smart telephone has broken down.
  • Each English lesson is broken down into different units.
  • Michael broke down when he heard the bad news.

Bite Off

It means to separate something from the main part. In the scope of the subject ‘list of phrasal verbs beginning with the letter ‘B’,’ we can give following examples:

  • The dog will bite off
  • Elizabeth bit off a chunk off delicious chocolate.
  • Charles bites the top off a beer bottle.

Break In

It means to interrupt or disturb something. Please check below examples about break in:

  • My friend has broken in my phone conversation.
  • Please do not break in professor during her presentation.

Bring Out

It means to produce something. We can give following examples about bring out:

  • The students will bring out a new project next month.
  • She will bring out a new tent in the garden.

Bring In

It means to produce something. In the scope of the title, ‘list of phrasal verbs beginning with the letter ‘B’,’ we can give following examples:

  • Their engineers bring in very quality products.
  • His company is bringing the best mobile phones in the world.

Bring Off

It means to carry to a successful conclusion. We can give following examples about bring off:

  • You will see that they will bring off.
  • If he can bring off the deal, he’ll be able to be a manager.

Bring About

It means to cause it to happen. You can see following examples about bring out:

  • Changes in the structure of foods brought about new problems.
  • Young people should not bring about new problems.

Bring Through

It means to treat someone. Depending on the title, ‘list of phrasal verbs beginning with the letter ‘B’,’ we can give following examples:

  • My doctor brought through her pains in her house.
  • You can bring through your dog at a professional veterinarian.

Bring Back

It means to make someone remember something. You can check following examples about bring back:

  • Bring back your good friendship with him.
  • When I look at the old videos from last summer, I bring back my good memories.

Getting Support from Professional Educators in the English Course

By reviewing the phrasal verbs list above, you will learn some of the most used phrasal verbs. Seeing phrasal verbs in a context in a sentence will make it easier for you to memorize. For this reason, we have given catchy examples for these phrases that start with ‘B’.

Learning Phrasal verbs in the English language is a little more difficult than learning regular words. Therefore, you should make a special effort when learning phrasal verbs that start with ‘B’. Thus, you learn phrasal verbs starting with ‘B’ permanently. Depending on the title, ‘list of phrasal verbs beginning with the letter ‘B’,’ we can say that: You can also get support from professional educators in the English course to learn this subject.

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