The Streets are No Stranger to You Anymore: English Directions

English Directions

If a person is in a foreign country, it is very easy to get lost. It is also possible to come across tourists who have lost their way in the city where one lives. In either case, the person will need to express themselves in English. In other words, if you are in a foreign country, we recommend that you learn the topic, ‘English directions’. You should also know ‘directions in English’ to help a tourist with his destination.

This topic is easy to learn. It’s not something you have to force. In short, take a look at the dialogues we have prepared for you in this content. As a result; you can easily learn how to make address directions in English when necessary. Or you can easily understand the address described.

How to Write Address in English?

No matter what purpose you travel abroad, one of the most things you will need is to ask for an address in English. Then, depending on the subject, ‘English directions,’ it is also important that you understand the address described to you. Otherwise, you will have a hard time traveling in a country you don’t know at all. You may even be unable to find the hotel you are staying in and spend the night on the street. So first of all, ‘How to write an address in English?’ Let’s answer these questions for you.

In order to write an address in English, you must first learn the English terms of neighborhood, street, apartment number, avenue, etc. In the scope of the title, ‘English directions,’ let’s examine these terms: Province, district, neighborhood, road, street, apartment building, floor, and apartment no, east (E), west (W), north (N), and south (S), PL (Place), RD (Road).

While writing the address, you should pay attention to the following order:

  • Apartment building no
  • Street name
  • Apartment no
  • Province
  • Zip code

English Question Patterns Used When Asking Directions

In the scope of the title, ‘English directions,’ we can say that: Learn the following sentence patterns to ask someone how to get somewhere in a foreign country. When using the following sentence patterns, you can change the word in parentheses according to where you want to go.

  • Excuse me, how can I go to the (city center) or (hospital)?
  • Excuse me, where is the (historical museum)?
  • Excuse me, where’s the nearest (market)?
  • Excuse me, can you tell me how to go the (seaside)?

Most Used Directions Patterns

Based on the information above, you can now understand where the other person is asking you for the address. In the scope of the title, ‘English directions,’ we can say that: You can also easily ask for an address in English. In short, there is no need for you to worry about this issue. So, what we need to explain now is the routing patterns for the directions. What patterns do you use when guiding someone in your language? You use terms such as (go straight, turn right or left, pass here or the address you are looking for is next to) in your language. Here you use the same phrases for directions in English. In the scope of the title, ‘English directions,’ let’s start examining these patterns:

  • Turn left
  • Turn right
  • Opposite
  • Next to
  • Behind
  • Go straight ahead
  • Go along the Street
  • On the left
  • On the right
  • (It is in front of…..)
  • (It is next to the…..)
  • (It is over there….)
  • (It is between…..)
  • (It is … minutes from here.)
  • (It is at the beginning of the street)

Examples of Directions Patterns

We recommend that you practice a lot in order to use these patterns easily. You can have a dialogue about the ‘English directions’ with an English-speaking friend. As we always say, it is important to practice to learn English. Below, you can review the examples we have given about the subject ‘English directions.’

  • The hospital is on the left/right.
  • Go past the school.
  • Go straight ahead, and then turn right at the main road.
  • First right, second left.
  • You have to take a train.
  • Go straight ahead. On your left you will see a taxi stand.
  • It is the building in front of the cinema, opposite the market.


We told you how we can ask for an address when we go to a foreign country in English. We have explained in detail the alternatives of asking for an address and the sentence structures to be used when asking for an address. You have learned how to ask questions within the scope of this topic. You also know what the sentences used in the address description are. As a result, in the scope of the title, ‘English directions,’ all the necessary tips for directions in English are included in this article.

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