Commonly Used Abbreviations in English

Commonly Used Abbreviations in English

Abbreviations are parts of sounds that are accepted by everyone. It frees official documents and written messages from the word crowd. Also, abbreviations make words more readable. In the scope of the title, ‘Commonly used abbreviations in English,’ we can say that: If you do not know the meanings of abbreviations, you will have serious problems in communication. For this reason, abbreviations are important in English. Although English abbreviations usually consist of a letter or a group of letters from a word, they can sometimes be made in different ways.

First of all, let’s explain the difference between ‘acronym’ and ‘abbreviation’. These two words refer to the method of abbreviation applied in different ways. Depending on the title, ‘Commonly used abbreviations in English,’ let’s explain the differences between ‘acronym’ and ‘abbreviation.’ Abbreviation; It is a version of shortened words created with the first syllable or sounds. For example; the abbreviation of the word ‘important’ is written as  ‘ imp.’ Acronym is; consists of the first letters of a multi-word term, name, or sentence. ‘The Federal Housing Admin (or Administration)’ is abbreviated as ‘FHA’. This institution helps people get a home loan. The acronym can be written in small letters while the abbreviation can be written in both small and capital letters.

Common Abbreviations for Daily Use

Your daily life, social media communication and academic life; it is full of abbreviated words. In the scope of the title, ‘Commonly used abbreviations in English,’ let’s explain some abbreviations you may stumble into your daily life:

  • Mr. → Mister
  • Mrs. → Mistress
  • Ms. → Miss
  • apt. → Apartment
  • approx. → Approximately
  • appt. →Appointment
  • vs. → Versus
  • tel. →Telephone
  • A.S.A.P. → As soon as possible
  • D.I.Y. → Do it yourself
  • R.S.V.P. → Please reply
  • E.T.A. → Estimated time of arrival
  • B.Y.O.B. → Bring your own bottle

Social Media Abbreviations

Today, the internet is a network where we spend most of our time. We have gained new habits with the internet. One of them is the abbreviations we use in our correspondence on social media. For the sake of efficiency, our posts, tweets and comments are abbreviated. Depending on the title, ‘Commonly used abbreviations in English,’ we can say that: The most common abbreviations used in social media are as follows:

  • AFAIK→ as far as I know
  • YW→ You’re welcome
  • NP→ no problem
  • BRB→ be right back
  • IIRC→ if I recall-remember correctly
  • ROFL→ rolling on the floor laughing
  • TY→ Thank you
  • DM→ direct message
  • tbh→ to be honest
  • WTH→ what the heck-hell
  • LOL→ laugh out loud
  • sry→ sorry
  • AFK→ away from keyboard
  • thx→ thanks
  • ofc→ of course
  • IMO→ in my opinion
  • IMHO→ in my honest opinion-in my humble
  • idk→ I don’t know
  • idek→ I don’t even know
  • fyi→ for your information
  • jk→ just kidding
  • FTR→ for the record

Abbreviations at Work

As in every field, there are abbreviations used in the business sector. It is advantageous to use these abbreviations in fast-paced business life. In the scope of the title, ‘Commonly used abbreviations in English,’ we can say that: Below are the most commonly used abbreviations at work:

  • MD→ Managing Director
  • Asst.→ Assistant
  • VP→ Vice President
  • EVP→ Executive Vice President
  • CEO→ Chief Executive Officer
  • CMO→ Chief Marketing Officer
  • CFO→ Chief Financial Officer
  • PA→ Personal Assistant
  • Acct.→ Accountant
  • Corp.→ Corporation
  • Inc.→ Incorporated
  • SVP→ Senior Vice President

Academic Abbreviations

You come across some abbreviations at school. Also, the academic world is full of abbreviated words. Depending on the title, ‘Commonly used abbreviations in English,’ we can say that: Here are some of the most common abbreviations for academics.

  • MA→ master of art
  • MBA→ master of business(Work) admin
  •  Ph.D.→ doctor of science
  • BA→ bachelor of art
  • BS→ bachelor of science
  • MFA→ master of fine art
  • JD→ juris doctor
  • DC→ doctor of chiropractic

Abbreviations for Map Locations

When searching for a place on the map, you will need to know some abbreviations. Depending on the title, ‘Commonly used abbreviations in English,’ we can say that: The abbreviations used in geography and maps are as follows:

  • Ave.→ avenue
  • St.→ street
  • Rd.→ road
  • Cyn→ canyon
  • Blvd→ boulevard
  • Dr.→drive
  • Ln.→ Lane
  • [N]→ [north]
  • [S]→ [south]
  • [SE]→ [south east]
  • [E]→ [east]
  • [W]→ [west]
  • [SW]→ [south west]
  • [NE]→ [north east]
  • [NW]→ [north west]

The Importance of English Abbreviations

Finally, let’s talk about the importance of abbreviations used in English. Abbreviation is a quick and easy way to indicate something. It saves time, effort and space. Most abbreviations begin with a capital letter. This draws attention to the abbreviated word. Abbreviations make it easier to read. As you can see, abbreviations are very important in communication. Therefore, it is useful to know the abbreviations in English. Depending on the title, ‘Commonly used abbreviations in English,’ we can say that:  You can communicate more healthily and efficiently.

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